its 10 minutes to 2 in the a.m. i'm weary but my tossing and turning in that 'oven' that's passing for a bedroom. I'm no closer to lapsing into anything that resembles sleep. my 'el cheapo' husband refuses to put on the central air so soon in the season! oh come on, its the first week of June and today is wiltingly humid. . . though he hasn't checked filters, etc. on the unit, so gotta suffer 2nite anyway. otherwise i'd defiantly crank that baby up!!! Maybe the 3 cans of diet coke consumed around the supper hour have something to do with my current state? i consumed them before 8 p.m., which is my usual 'caffeine cut off time'. . or it might even have been the small slice of espresso/bittersweet chocolate cake that we had in honour of Rob's birthday! our windows are open and the little, tiny bugs smaller than the screen holes are buzzing around and biting me! to top it all off. . there's a wicked cat fight going on outside our bedroom window. . .
so i'm lying in the dark, flipping my pillow to the 'cool side'. . which soon becomes the 'warm side' and this could go on indefinitely! everything's clammy and icky. . but my mind is in high gear. . thinking a million and one thoughts - which often seems to be my biggest problem -- shutting down the brain!!! How is that done? I've never been good at that and have consequently battled insomnia since childhood!!! Back before 24 hour television, all that used to be on in the wee hours was teletyped weather information scrolling across an otherwise blank screen, or cameras focusing on barometers, clocks, etc. I used to sit in front of the TV and watch test pattern!. Can you GET any more desperate??! now all that's on is infomercials. . i don't even both checking any more. . i don't need what they're selling.. . though if they were selling sleep, i'd phone in for that.
Today is Rob's 44th b'day! I've been celebrating b'days with him since he was 16. . unbelievable and wonderful!! We had a family supper earlier this evening. . it was great, sticky fun. . though everyone was a bit irritated from the heat!!! Today we're both off work - a nice b'day for Robbie. . i'll probably be sleeping all day!!! ha ha. . nah. . its only 2:15 now, i've stayed up that late many a time, then got up at 7:45, to start work, which for me is about as early as it gets. People who wake at 5 or 6 a.m. part of me is awed by their ability and part of me says "is there a 5 a.m.? what does a sunrise look like?" i wake up every day and the sun's up there already. . the world's been going full tilt and i'm perpetually tardy! oh well. . . God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change. .
well, i'm goin' crazy here with these miniscule pests. . they're attracted to light of the computer screen. i've probably smushed a good 20 of them into oblivion. summer's over rated, man! YUCK!! anyway, i think i'll give the pillow wrestling another go. . the cats have either killed themselves or called it a draw. .all's quiet on the western front and i'm yawning, that's a good sign, right? now if i can just de-active my brain!
wish me luck!!!
i used to get on my computer real late if couldnt sleep but dont do that no was frying my brain! so i try to read or put on some music.........i hate when its real warm and stuffy and that interupts sleep
good suggestions, bud. actually after i did that blog entry i went upstairs and fell right to sleep. THANK GOD!!! I'm a bit too practical to waste that time, so if i can't sleep i try to do something.. write, pray, read, get up to get a glass of water, let the dog out. Its gorgeous out there this a.m. and now to wrap Rob's gifts while he's out for coffee with his mama!
yeah, cat fights sound unearthly and ungodly!!! cats really are feral, we only THINK they're cute and cuddly.
i don't know why i can survive on only 5 - 6 hours of sleep. . i just can. mystery!
i don't know why they didn't have 24 hour TV back in the early 70s, they just didn't. Stations would go off the air around 2, then put test patterns on camera! When they would cease their 'broadcasting day' they would say "This now concludes our broadcasting day." and they would play the national anthem and then fade to "Test Pattern"! Believe me, i know! There also came this weird noise along with the test pattern like :doooooooooooo - this annoying tone. . there was only 1 station that did anything, and that was the local cable station that provided thrilling views of said barometers, clocks and i think info for pilots - with wind directions, cloud ceiling heights, etc.
Actually its me Rob.
Ok i'll turn on the "air"
ha ha!!! happy birthday, Robbie!!! yay, air conditioning here we come!sorry that i called you 'el cheapo' but not too sorry!!! heh heh.
we'd like to!!!!
a pool??? wow
happy birthday rob
don't think we'll get one. . 'we' is me and my daughters! Rob is against it, cuz we have these towering oak and maple trees surrounding our yard and he says it will be a great difficulty with the filter clogging etc. . we could only afford a smaller round one and that's not much good to really swim in. . so its not looking good! that would have helped with my insomnia, cooling off in the pool! d'oh!
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