Saturday, September 23, 2006

My "Baby" is 24!!!!!

My firstborn is 24 in a few hours. . At this time back then, Rob and I were watching Jan and Dean in concert on TV while i was in labour and we wrote down my contractions on a piece of paper to see if perhaps there was a pattern?! It was 2 weeks early. . and we weren't sure if was i was in false labour -- i wasn't! The baby wasn't due until October 6 if i remember well? She had other plans, first of which included surprising her young, still 'wet behind the ears' parents! Which is kind of ironic, since now she herself hates surprises!!

This photo is hilarious. . it is one in a series of all of us holding the flowers - don't ask why, it was her sister's idea!

I wish that i had a digital picture of Linds as a baby. . she was a gorgeous little thing. I remember the nurses fussing over her and telling me how beautiful she was. Usually newborns look like they've gone a few rounds of boxing. . but not this girl! Me, however. . it sure felt like i went a few rounds!! I was a fool and declined narcotics. Imagine? Lindsay tells me I was insane. . and looking back, she's absolutely right!!! Wow, were we ever young when she came along. . the surprise thing again. . little did we realize how much our lives would change - you never do until the change happens!

This is her 'champagne birthday'. . . 24 on the 24th. . . so we are having a feast - the menu is all her choice. . .Mom's kitchen -- Shepherd's pie, glazed carrots, buttermilk biscuits and chocolate swirl cheesecake. . . sparkling apple cider to wash it all down. . (that's the champagne!) The presents are wrapped (yes, they're all surprises, even though she hates having to wait to see what they are!!! but she expects this from us). The house is decorated. . . . and soon we will party!!! I think i'll do a party blog after the festivities end.

Happy day, Linds!!! Your Dad and I can't believe how much time has gone by!!! You've been such a wonderful daughter. . so lovely and intelligent and unique - all your phases and stages and accomplishments. . we've been very privileged to be your parents. God gave you to us and we're so grateful!! Enjoy your day with your kiddies and when we meet for supper - we will play the Beatles "Birthday song". . and we will eat and laugh. . and perhaps watch another instalment of our family videos?! yes?!!! *can't wait to see what tacky 80s clothing we're all wearing !* HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LINDSAY!!!!

love always,
xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo (a kiss and hug every every year) Posted by Picasa


kathryn said...

you're welcome!!! wasn't that fam video funny?! the clothes, the hairbands. . ahh the 80s amd 90s!!! remember you pointing to the X-files book in your hand during the Christmas filming and asking your sister if she thought David Duchovny was hot?!!!

supersimbo said...

they say its your birthday, your gonna have a good time dadadadada da da

nice thats what lindsay looks like!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday lindsay!

kathryn said...

yep, that's what she looks like!

Drumstick said...

I hear a lot of talk about the great food....but have never sampled any!

Happy Birthday Lindsay!!!

kathryn said...

awww, Roland. .perhaps i should cook a meal for you and Lorraine?! though i'm sure your wife knows her way around the galley!!

Tee/Tracy said...

You made me tear up. What a beautiful post for your daughter. You love is so apparent. I love the birth story. She looks so much like you.

As for photos - buy a flat bed scanner. They aren't expensive, they're easy to use, and you can preserve (and share!) old photos digitally. I didn't get a digital camera until my 2nd son was a few months old so I've scanned most of the old photographs, as well as ones from my childhood :)

Happy Birthday to Lindsay :)

kathryn said...

awww, Tee. . thank you for your lovely comments! (as always!). . we have a scanner. . i seldom use it. . now i will try!

Bradley said...

happy belated birthday!