Saturday, January 28, 2006

say 'aaaahhhhh'

i'm here in my mind.

Look, there's an extra lounger!!! Want to join me? We can just laze around and talk, or not. We can go for a dip when it gets too hot.

Forget its winter! Make yourself a fruity, coconutty drink, stare at this picture and repeat as needed: "I'm in my happy place." Posted by Picasa


kathryn said...

true, it is a very warm winter for the most part - with a few frosty days in between. It was a really beautiful day Saturday. . so glad you took the kids there!! Kids have such a great imagination. . i'll have to ask James about the pathways!!

Anonymous said...

ohhhh....YES! Gosh Kathy, we would have so much fun together I just know it! hee hee

kathryn said...

we would have the BEST time!!! xo

Unknown said...

Fun! Put an extra seat out for me! :) It's cold here

kathryn said...

that can be easily done!!!